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AI-Powered Spotify DJ: Personalized Playlists for Users

24 February, 2023 SamkarTech

 Swedish audio streaming giant, Spotify, has launched an AI-powered DJ feature that allows users to receive personalized and curated playlists based on their music preferences, taste, and history. The feature, currently in beta, is available on both Android and iOS versions of the Spotify app. 

Spotify in mobile

Users can access the AI DJ feature through the Music Feed section on the home page of the Spotify mobile app. The feature is presented in the form of a card that carries the “play on DJ” button. Once a user taps on the Play button, the app’s machine learning algorithms compute the user’s listening preferences and music taste to curate a playlist that matches the same. Users can listen to short commentary on the songs and artists that have been picked for them, and they can also skip a song that is being played by clicking on the DJ button at the bottom right of the screen. 

Spotify has been actively improving its AI and machine learning capabilities to enhance the listening experience for its users. This latest move is expected to be a game-changer for users who wish to use audio streaming platforms like Spotify to discover new music and expand their music library. While the app already has a discover feature that allows users to access songs, albums, and artists based on their listening preferences, this is the first time a feature to discover music is making its way to the main music player of the Spotify app. 

As the AI DJ feature continues to roll out, we can expect to see even more personalized and curated playlists for users in the future. This feature is just one example of how Spotify is using machine learning and AI to improve its service and stay ahead of the competition in the audio streaming industry.

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[…] Also Read| AI-Powered Spotify DJ: Personalized Playlists for Users […]


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