
Microsoft introduces new Bing with ChatGPT powers

08 February, 2023 SamkarTech

Microsoft has launched the latest version of its search engine, Bing,, has been overhauled and now incorporates OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. 

This is a significant threat to Google’s dominance in web search and marks the beginning of an AI competition between the two companies. ChatGPT uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like responses to search requests and is poised to change the nature of online search and software interactions, according to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

Bing will now respond to search queries with more detailed answers, and users can also chat with the bot to better tailor their search. The new Bing search engine is now live, with a limited number of searches available for each person. 

This announcement follows Google’s recent reveal of its own chatbot, Bard. Microsoft has invested billions in artificial intelligence and has extended its collaboration with OpenAI in a multi-year, multi-billion-dollar investment. 

Microsoft’s premium tier of its messaging software, Microsoft Teams, will also feature ChatGPT technology, including a feature that automatically generates meeting notes and highlights. 

Analysts believe that ChatGPT, which has the potential to disrupt multiple professions including journalism, can be incredibly disruptive but has been criticized for giving answers that are wrong or outdated, as it works with  datasets from 2021 or earlier.

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