C# Tutorials

Maximizing ChatGPT API Integration in C#: Expert Tips and Tricks

07 March, 2024 Denesh Neupane

Application user interface (API) is the way for two software components to communicate each other using a set of definations and Protocals .


API is like a messenger that helps different apps or systems talk to each other and work together smoothly. APIs define how software components can interact, allowing them to share data and perform tasks without needing to know the intricate details of each other’s operations. They make it easier for developers to build powerful applications by providing a standardized way to access the functionality of other software services or platforms.


The OpenAI API provides a simple interface for developers to create an intelligence layer in their applications, powered by OpenAI’s state of the art models. The Chat Completions endpoint powers ChatGPT and provides a simple way to take text as input and use a model like GPT-4 to generate an output.

OpenAI API can be applied to virtually any task. they offer a range of models with different capabilities and price points.

Pricing of APIs

Although ChatGPT’s API can be used for free on a trial basis, it is a paid API.

GPT-4 Turbo price

gpt-4-0125-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-1106-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-1106-vision-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens

GPT-4 price

gpt-4$30.00 / 1M tokens$60.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-32k$60.00 / 1M tokens$120.00 / 1M tokens

Click here to the official price list from OpenAI

How to use the chatGPT API in C# application

Step 1. First of all we need to create our API from the here


Step 2. Open visual studio and install the OpenAI library file from Tools >> NuGet Packet Manager>>Manage NuGet packet for solution


Step 3. Add textbox,button and Richtextbox on the Form


Step 4. Code

  private async Task ChatGptAsync()
          var chat = api.Chat.CreateConversation();

          // Send user input to ChatGPT

          // Receive response from ChatGPT
          string response = await chat.GetResponseFromChatbotAsync();

          // Update UI with response
      catch (Exception ex)
          MessageBox.Show("Error occurred: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Button1 click_event

 private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     await Task.Run(async () => await ChatGptAsync());


  private void UpdateResponse(string response)
      if (richTextBox1.InvokeRequired)
          richTextBox1.Text = response;

Demo Video

About author

Denesh Neupane

Denesh Neupane

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