
Unlocking the Future: How Kids Robots Are Transforming Education

Kids robots have become a game-changer in education, revolutionizing the way children engage with technology. These interactive robotic devices offer unique opportunities for hands-on learning, sparking the curiosity and imagination of young minds. By introducing kids to the world of robotics, these robots unlock a future of limitless possibilities and pave the way for a new era of education. Whether it’s building and programming their own robots or collaborating with peers on exciting projects, kids robots provide an immersive and dynamic learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom settings. With every interaction, kids robots inspire a sense of wonder, empowering children to explore the realms of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with enthusiasm and confidence.

Technology 22 June, 2023 ecedenesh.203

Digital Renaissance: NVIDIA Neuralangelo Research Reconstructs 3D Scenes

Transforming 2D video clips into lifelike 3D structures, NVIDIA’s Neuralangelo is revolutionizing the field of 3D reconstruction. This advanced AI model captures intricate details and textures, surpassing previous methods and enabling creative professionals to import virtual replicas of real-world objects into their projects. From sculptures to buildings, Neuralangelo’s high fidelity and accuracy open doors for applications in art, gaming, robotics, and industrial digital twins. With its upcoming presentation at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), NVIDIA continues to drive the digital renaissance in 3D reconstruction and shape the future of visual technology.

Tech News 02 June, 2023 SamkarTech

Singapore to host ‘Olympic-style’ international robotics competition

Singapore will host the First Global robotics competition this October, with teams from 190 countries competing in an Olympics-style event focused on clean energy and STEM education.

Technology 30 March, 2023 SamkarTech