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Snapchat Introduces AI Chatbot Powered by ChatGPT

28 February, 2023 SamkarTech

Snapchat has announced the launch of its AI chatbot, “My AI,” powered by OpenAI’s popular natural language processing tool, ChatGPT. The introduction of this feature indicates a significant shift towards integrating AI-powered chatbots into our daily lives.

ChatGPT is an impressive tool that has been embraced by professionals in various fields, including administrative assistance, written content creation, and legal functions. The tool was first made available to the public in December, and it quickly gained popularity, amassing over 57 million monthly active users within its first month.

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Initially, the bot will only be available to Snapchat Plus subscribers for a monthly fee of $3.99. However, the company’s ultimate goal is to make it available to all 750 million of their monthly users.

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel believes that AI chatbots will increasingly become a part of everyday life for more people, and Snapchat is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend as a messaging service. The chatbot’s goal is to provide users with a more personalized and engaging experience while also reducing the workload for Snapchat’s customer support team.

The company claims that My AI can recommend birthday presents for friends, help users plan weekend trips, suggest dinner recipes, and perform other tasks. My AI will also store user conversations and review them to improve accuracy, although users are encouraged not to share secrets or rely solely on the chatbot for advice.

Storing user conversations is a crucial aspect of AI chatbots since the more conversations they have, the better they become at providing relevant and accurate responses.

The introduction of the My AI chatbot is a step towards the future of AI assistance, where chatbots will become more prevalent in our daily interactions. However, it’s important to remember that while AI-powered chatbots offer convenience and accessibility, they are not a replacement for human interaction and expertise.

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Aniyah Ava Ariana Huber 4 months ago

Keep up the amazing work!


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