In the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan, a new form of security has been introduced to patrol the streets. Security robots are now being used to to increase public safety. The robots, equipped with advanced technology such as facial recognition and AI algorithms, can detect and report suspicious activity.
These robots are designed to patrol, the streets, gathering information and alerating authorities if necessary.
The robots are a welcome addition to the security measures in Tokyo, providing an extra layer of protection in a city that is home to millions of people. They are able to provide a more efficient way to monitor the streets and alert authorities to potential threats.The robots are also seen as a way to reduce the cost of providing security services. The robots are cheaper to maintain than human security guards and can work for longer hours.
It was developed by the Tokyo-based company Seqsense. It has already been deployed in multiple government facilities and office buildings around Tokyo and surrounding areas, according to the maker of the robot, Seqsense.
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Overall, security robots are becoming an increasingly popular way to patrol the streets of Tokyo. They are seen as a positive addition to the security measures in the city and are providing a more efficient way to monitor the streets and alert authorities to potential threats.
Yoseda 2 years ago
Robotics country japan