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OpenAI CEO suggests international agency like UN’s nuclear watchdog could oversee AI

07 June, 2023 ecedenesh.203

In a recent visit to the United Arab Emirates, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman cautioned that artificial intelligence (AI) presents an “existential risk” to humanity. He called for the establishment of an international agency, akin to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to oversee and regulate this groundbreaking technology.

Altman’s global tour to discuss AI has garnered significant attention, given OpenAI’s prominent role in the field. As AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT gain popularity, concerns about their societal impact and potential risks have grown. Altman, along with hundreds of industry leaders, signed a letter in May emphasizing the urgency of addressing AI’s existential risks.

Drawing inspiration from the IAEA, which was created in the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Japan, Altman emphasized the need for global cooperation to manage the risks associated with AI. He expressed the importance of implementing guardrails and regulations to ensure the safe development of AI while reaping its tremendous benefits.

OpenAI Chatgpt

Altman’s proposal aligns with the growing recognition among governments and organizations worldwide about the necessity of AI regulation. Notably, the European Union is currently pursuing an AI Law that could serve as a global benchmark for AI governance. Altman previously highlighted the critical role of government intervention in managing the risks associated with AI during his testimony before the U.S. Congress in May.

While discussing AI in the UAE, Altman acknowledged the flip side of the risks associated with AI, referring to the tightly controlled speech environment and concerns raised by human rights groups about surveillance and restrictions on freedom of expression. These restrictions can potentially affect the accuracy of information on which AI systems rely.

Altman’s remarks were made in the presence of Andrew Jackson, CEO of the Inception Institute of AI, representing the Abu Dhabi and UAE AI ecosystem. Jackson proclaimed the UAE’s aspiration to be a political powerhouse and a central player in global AI regulation.

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The proposal to establish an international agency for AI oversight raises crucial questions about the governance and responsible development of this transformative technology. While the specifics of implementation and regulation remain complex, Altman’s call for global cooperation highlights the need to address the risks of AI to ensure a safe and beneficial future for humanity.

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